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Showing posts from September, 2021

Jarvis in Python

  JARVIS IN PYTHON                Python installing steps 1.   Download visual studio code 2.   Install 3.   Verify python was installed on window      Python startup steps   1.   One visual studio code 2.   Welcome window 3.   Open folder 4.   New folder 5.   Select folder 6.   Create new file 7.   Python 3.7 A 32 bit 8.   Right click 9.   Window power shell 10. Write python 11. Write exit() 12. Install pip pandas 13. Print(“Hello world \n”) 14. Go to extention 15. Search code runner 16. Install it          Opening steps to create Jarvis : 1.   Desktop 2.   New folder 3.   Name : Jarvis 4.   Click shift 5.   Open power shell windows here 6.   Type – code 7.   Open editors 8.   Jarvis 9.   Name :          What is voice assistant ?    A voice assistant is a speech recognition process of audio in to test. Voice assistant like Alexa, siri, etc. Python provides an API called speech recognition to convert aud